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500 Terry Francois Street San Francisco, CA 94158

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Frequently Asked Question

  • What are EGTs
    EGT stands for exhaust gas temperature, and is the single most important indicator of how a diesel engine is performing. Unlike a gasoline motor, a diesel motor will continue to make power as more fuel is added. As more fuel is added, heat will be generated until the motor just gets too hot and things start to melt. This is a situation to avoid. Exhaust gas temperature is the ideal measurement of how hot the motor is, since temperature fluctuations in the gas are almost instantaneous. You should consider using the Edge Attitude or installing an EGT gauge even if you make no performance upgrades, since EGT is such an important indicator of engine load. This is particularly true if you tow.
  • What is a core charge?
    A core charge is an acronym for "Cash on Return". These are rebuildable parts that can usually be redeemed for a portion of their original purchase price. Most companies will reuse the case of a transmission, the core of a valve body or even an internal part of a torque converter that is either no longer available or much too expensive to buy new and can be reused on the newly manufactured part. These charges are refundable though once you send in your original part.
  • What is the OBD Port?
    The OBD port is a 16pin plug found at the bottom of the dashboard on all 1994 and up vehicles that allows you to read, program and alter the vehicles computer.
  • What is the Cause of Hard Starts in a VP44?
    Hard starts as they relate to VP44 injections pumps are caused by lack of fuel or over pressurization by the lift pump. If a lift pump is going bad and failing to supply the proper amount of fuel to the injection pump, then the truck will hard start due to lack of fuel. However, a newly installed lift pump that is pushing over 15 PSI to the VP44 can also cause hard starts. The VP44 is a very sensitive pump and needs approx. 12 PSI to run properly. Once you start getting about 15 PSI to the injection pump, you actually start to over pressurize the pump causing it to act as if you had a flooded engine.
  • Will Putting An Afe Filter Or Air Intake System In My Vehicle Void My Factory Warranty?
    Legally, a vehicle manufacturer cannot void the warranty on a vehicle due to an aftermarket part unless they can prove that the aftermarket part caused or contributed to the failure in the vehicle (per the Magnuson Moss Warranty Act (15 U.S.C. 2302(C)). For best results, consider working with performance-oriented dealerships with a proven history of working with customers. If your vehicle manufacturer fails to honor emission/warranty claims, contact EPA at (202) 260-2080 or If federal warranty protection is denied, contact the FTC at (202) 326-3128 or
  • What is a DPF?
    DPF stands for Diesel Particulate Filter. In late 2007 the EPA released a new Standard of Emission Complacence rules for diesel trucks. All light duty diesel pickups manufactured after 07.5 and up now come equipped with a diesel particulate filter in line with the exhaust system. The DPF is a two part system, a physical filter and electronic sensors. The filter portion of the system catches an extremely large percentage of the particulate matter which leaves the exhaust, and when the filter is full, the sensor portion kicks the truck into what is known as a regeneration cycle. During this regeneration cycle the filter goes through a phase in which it burns all of the particulate matter. While in this cycle most trucks lose a considerable amount of power along with huge drops in their fuel economy.
  • What is Diesel Winter Anti-Gel?
    Diesel Winter Anti-Gel provides “Premium Diesel” qualities to standard diesel fuels in terms of detergency, stability, lubricity, winter operability, and cetane number. Diesel fuel contains wax, as temperatures drop these wax crystals clog fuel lines and cause problems for diesel engines. Our effective anti-gel additive greatly improves cold temperature performance and helps prevent the wax in the fuel from clogging lines. Lowers Pour Point to -65° F. Additional properties provide further winter protection against freeze-ups down to -40°F. In addition, Diesel Winter Anti-Gel contains a powerful cetane improver for quicker cold starts and a maximum boost in power and performance. Diesel Winter Anti-Gel is recommended for ALL diesel engines.
  • Do I need to add a cleaner/flush before I change oil brands?
    None is necessary.
  • How long does it take for Stiction Eliminator to work?
    While using Stiction Eliminator customers have reported 50 miles and others it takes the entire oil change cycle. It will eventually clean up the deposits and restore your performance to normal. (Think of it like saying how long will it take to do this sink full of dishes, if dirty it will take a while, but if mostly clean – only a few minutes) Each vehicle operates under different conditions and has had different variables in operation and maintenance routines, so unfortunately there are no “exact” answers for how the product will perform. Stiction Eliminator works quicker when you load the engine by pulling heavy loads or spirited driving. Short, quick in town drives do not allow the Stiction Eliminator to work as quickly. On rare occasions, when the injectors are really gummed up, we have done a second round of Stiction Eliminator in the next oil change and it has taken care of the problem.
  • My truck has no power when I put my foot to the floor and it takes forever to pick up – will Stiction Eliminator help?
    There are many factors that can influence performance. If your vehicle has HEUI injectors, Stiction Eliminator will clean the oil side of the injectors and restore performance to factory specifications. Your turbo may have residue on the bearings which may slow the spooling of the turbo. Stiction Eliminator will help in this case, also. Diesel Extreme will help clean the fuel side of your injectors and restore performance. The Cetane booster will also give an additional performance benefit.
  • What do you recommend for my engine?
    For any diesel engine, high-quality fuel is key to protecting and getting the most performance from it. We like to start with Diesel Extreme every 6000 miles to deep clean the injectors and entire fuel system. Then use Everyday Diesel Treatment (EDT) at each fill-up. It provides a cetane boost, injector maintainer, water dispersant, rust, and corrosion inhibitor, plus lubricity and fuel stabilizer. For the oil system, we offer two products that contain a nanocarbon to reduce wear and friction, which increases engine life and fuel economy. Stiction Eliminator cleans the burnt oil “Stiction” in the engine and is recommended first. Then we can protect with FR3.
  • Issues with the Diesel Winter Anti-Gel actually gelling up. I put half a bottle of a new bottle into my tank. Left empty bottle in truck and it was a solid mass of gel.
    Diesel Winter Anti-Gel will freeze in low temperatures as the plain product. Once added to diesel a chemical process happens that protects fuel to -65° F. We recommend adding while the product is above 20° F.
  • Am I supposed to use the Stiction Eliminator every oil change?
    While you can use Stiction Eliminator in every oil change with no harmful side effects. We recommend 4 oz per quart of oil Stiction Eliminator in the first oil change. All others can be FR3 with every third using Stiction Eliminator for deep cleaning.
  • Can I use Diesel Extreme and the Diesel Winter Anti-Gel at the same time?
    Just use Diesel Winter Anti-Gel. You don't need to do any flush between products, but the best practice would be to use one product at a time.
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